The greatest national sin is the neglect of the batch and that is unity of the causes of our d quetchfall.1 Thus spoke Swami Vivekananda round the unavoidable procedure of the volume in building a strong and joined nation, concomitantly if they argon neglected, no nation can flourish for the coarse run. This is what seen in India not except at the time of Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) barely forward too, and writers like Mulk Raj Anand (1905-2004) made it out and, therefore, stood to address a colonial problem in the form of untouchability rampant in the Hindi society. In his realistic portrayal of the novel Untouchable (1935), Anand is concerned with the sufferings of the masses i.e. Shudra- sweepers and his privation to bring about tender rapture in their lives and to register his protest against the evil in the social transcription of Hindus as well. As Anand himself accepts: From that time onwards my protest about the human predicament, under the empire and in the air of our own decay, often resulting from blind acceptance of bad habits and the taboos of the sharp Manu and the hadith tradition of Islam, became self-conscious..In this way, I sensed the injure of life, which the more(prenominal) privileged took out of the weaker members of the flock.

2 Though the novelist communicates about a occurrence community in the novel- subaltern Hindus, it is also implied to the equilibrium of the world, where caste-based, class-based, racial and economic discrimination prevails. His awareness of social projection and growing of the lower dregs of the society reflect his wis h for excluders and exploitators to desexua! lize their inhuman ways and to change their social behaviour. For that he uses fictionalisation as a tool, as it is not only a representation of social reality, but also a obligatory functional part of social control, and also, paradoxically, an important section in social change.3 To pursue these notions of the novelist the paper harvest-home to office out the social structure and economic conditions of the lower...If you compliments to annoy a full essay, order it on our website:
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